- ( Accredited by UGC )
The higher Education Department of UT of J & K appointed University of Jammu as the Nodal Agency to conduct the State Eligibility Test for Assistant Professor for the UT of of J & K which was further extended for the conduct of SET for the UT of Ladakh as desired by the administration of UT of Ladakh. The University Grants Commission accordingly accredited the University of Jammu to hold State Eligibility Test for the UT of J & K and UT of Ladakh (JKSET/LASET) in 38 subjects vide letter no. F.7-2/97 (NET/SET) dated 19 July 2021 & vide letter no. F.7-2/97(NET/SET) dated 9 September 2021
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University Grants Commission (UGC) has recommended the introduction of National Eligibility Test (NET) to determine eligibility for lectureship and for award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for Indian nationals in order to ensure minimum standards for the entrants in the teaching profession and research as per the Government of India Notification dated 22nd July 1988. Accordingly, UGC conducted the first test for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Eligibility for Lectureship on 24th December, 1989 in the subjects falling under Humanities and Social Sciences including languages and some science subjects. The Council of Scientific Industrial Research (CSIR) conducted the Joint UGC-CSIR Test for JRF and eligibility for Lectureship on 31st December, 1989 for disciplines falling under the basic sciences. Since then UGC and CSIR have been conducting these tests on a regular basis – generally twice every year, i.e. in June/July and December/January...
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